Welcome to my word space

Here's my favorite space to just puke out whatever is on my mind. You're more than welcome to visit but beware, it can get a little stormy in here!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

They Think We're Stupid Because We Are - Arlene Karbashewski

So you're sitting at home enjoying a nice evening with your family when the doorbell rings.

"Hello, I'm from ABC Security Systems and I'm selling new security systems in your neighbourhood. Are you interested?"

"Well, no, not right now. We're in a pretty secure neighbourhood, but thanks anyway."

And you shut the door thinking to yourself, "That was easy."

Two weeks later, there's a rash of thefts in your nice, quiet neighbourhood. Not everyone on the block gets hit. Just the ones that don't have dogs, security systems, etc...

Get the picture?

We mindlessly answer our front door letting strangers inside to scope out our possessions, discover our weaknesses and give them information they can use against us to steal our sense of security along with our stuff.

It's time to smarten up people! It's time to start taking names and numbers. Ask, no better yet, DEMAND to see their driver's license or any other form of government issued identification.

Business cards can be printed on any laptop. It doesn't make them real. Would you like to see my Law Degree from Serves-you-right University?

If they're legit, they should have no problem providing you with their information.

Don't let them call the shots, you have every right to know who's standing on your property. Don't take no for an answer - it is your business and your right to ask!

If they can't show ID, call the RCMP. Take notice of their appearance. Height, weight, clothing, etc. and look for a vehicle. You're doing the whole neighbourhood a favor by being proactive.


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